Fun Kids

Weighing Up The Risks

There are many risks associated with new medicines and it isn’t always possible to get rid of all the risks. Professor Hallux and Nurse Nanobot find how scientists weigh up what’s acceptable.

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Testing Medicines

Before a new medicine is released to the public, it has to go though many the checks to make sure it’s safe and it works. Professor Hallux and Nurse Nanobot explore what’s involved.

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Ingredients and Form

There’s lots of ingredients in every medicine. Professor Hallux and Nurse Nanobot find out what goes into medicines and the best way for drugs to be taken.  From pills to potions, injections to inhalers there are lots of decisions to be made.

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Who Makes Medicines and Why?

New medicines are being created all the time Professor Hallux and Nurse Nanobot find out that it can be a long process and cost a lot of money but that’s because safety is important.

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Prevantative Medicines

Professor Hallux and Nanbot learn that preventing disease is as important as curing it, and there are lots of ways to do this. 

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Bullets and Shotguns

Reactive medicines are drugs which make something happen or stop something happening in the body. Professor Hallux and Nanbot explore Magic Bullets and Magic Shotguns. 

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Out With The Old

Body is feeling unwell. Professor Hallux and Nurse Nanobot are rummaging for a cure in the medicine cabinet.  But the medicines they find don’t seem to do the job.  Maybe they haven’t been stored properly or perhaps are just too o…

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Honey G

The Honey G Show is the debut single from Honey G and Sean went to find out more about the X Factor star, her single, where the name came from and they even playing a spelling G to the A to the M to the E!

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Physiology Overview

Hallux and Nanobot have learned heaps about physiology – they talk about the history of physiology and some of the jobs people do in this field of science.

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Touch, sight, hearing, taste, smell – our bodies have to do all sorts of jobs to enable us to sense the world around us. Professor Hallux thinks it might be possible to improve on how we do this – with some help from Smigeon, the prizewinni…

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