Matt Deegan

Deadly Machineel Tree & Secret Life Of Antelopes

Dan is back with perhaps the deadliest Dangerous Dan yet – a tree that is specifically designed to do harm. Alongside that, he’s learning about the secret life of antelopes, teeth, railways and more!

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Tawny Owls, Assassin Spiders & More Evidence of Climate Change!

Dan gets up close to an assassin spider, learns the secrets of the tawny owls and discovers more about teeth and railways!

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Making superpowers real and evil shrews

Would you like to make superpowers happen in real life using science? Barry Fitzgerald is chatting to Dan all about how we can do that using science!
Dangerous Dan is chatting about one of the most cruel killers in the wild and is being flexitarian th…

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Assassin Bugs, Bugs In Your Mouth & Why Does Red Make Bulls Angry?

Dan will be delving into two sorts of bugs in this Science Weekly; those in your mouth and those that are known as ‘Assassin Bugs’. Also, Ishan has been in touch asking: “why do bulls get angry when they see red?” Martin Stevens, a Professor in Sensory…

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International Space Week Special!

This week is International Space Week, so Dan is bringing you all the best in space on this week’s Science Weekly. He chats to space expert Keir Boxshall, asking all the questions you want to know about, Tim Peak reveals what it’s like to be an astrona…

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Kidpreneurs, Robots Landing on Asteroids & The Nile Crocodile

From entrepreneurs who are still at school to the dangerous Nile Crocodile to Professor Hallux on your teeth … Dan is back with your weekly dose of Science!
Rose & Jenk, as featured in Science Weekly, will be at KidZania London for this year&rsq…

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Galactic Cannibalism & Can You Reach The Bottom Of A Rainbow?

Did you know that galaxies can eat one another? How about whether you can reach the bottom of the rainbow? Or when the first civilian trip to space will be? No? You should probably listen to the Fun Kids Science Weekly then … 

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The Most Venomous Snake & Scientists Get Closer To Aliens

Dan is back with your weekly visit to the big, wide universe of discovery! Dan encounters the most venomous snake, researches how scientists are able to take one step closer to meeting aliens, plus! You sent Dan a question about hermit crabs, didn’t yo…

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Polonium, Laser Satellites & The Future of Robots

Dan is back with your weekly dose of Science; from dangerous Polonium to robot specialist, Dr. Lucy Rogers, to hearing loss. If you want a science expert to answer your questions, comment on the podcast with your question!

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An Arachnid Expert, A Leak At The Space Station & The Hottest Place In The World