
Electra Evergreen of Echo Hill

Electra Evergreen had crept into the darkest reaches of the Echo Hill cave with her friends, but she had become separate from the group and got impossibly lost in the maze of tunnels.  
When people shouted into the echo, sometimes they said that …

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Hedrick’s Hat

Everything had to be just so in the Kingdom of Karnival.
One of it’s trillions of rules was rather peculiar…everybody HAD to wear a hat.
Hedrick had lived in Karnival for a very long time and he was used to being stared at because he had a problem …

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The Wishing Box

Ben had been looking forward to staying at Gran’s for half term but the day we find him he was beginning to regret his decisions.  So far she’d had him helping to get boxes into the loft, picking vegetables in her allotment, making jam…

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The Jubilee Teapot

Faris’s mum used to say that ‘you should use things, not people, and love people, not things.’
Audrey, had a teapot from the Queen’s Jubilee way back in 1977! Faris was fascinated with the beautiful teapot, until…he reached to take a closer lo-SMASH…

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The Story Master’s Charm

Every story that has ever been told, and every story that will be told, is held in the Story Master’s vault.
From the greatest authors, to improvised bedtime stories, he has heard them all and kept them all safe for the rest of time.
Everyone h…

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Elliott and The Killer Whale

What’s your favourite animal…?
Elliott’s favourite is the killer whale: he has killer whale toys, books, and even killer whale pyjamas!
And on one spectacular day, Elliott’s favourite toy orca, Reef, came to LIFE…but Elliott needs to save him and…

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King of The Woods

Badger lived alone in the woods and tended his garden.  It was a nice garden around a cosy burrow and his life was okay, but… truth be told, he was, well.. a bit lonely. He was the only badger in the wood, and often he felt a bit grumpy abo…

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The Portrait of Polly Pinter

Polly Pinter was a Painter’s Friend.  This didn’t just mean she had friends who were painters, but rather that she helped painters to create their works.  
She worked for a very grand painter called Murdo Ashpole – he …

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The Smile From Space

The universe is a very big place. It’s SO big that we PROBABLY won’t ever know the half of it – or the quarter of it, or even an eighth … or a hundredth. 
Sol is a lonely alien…and Iz is a lonely human, if only they knew som…

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No House for a Mouse

“Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house, not a creature was stirring not even a mouse”… That’s a line you might know from a famous poem.  But it’s not something that was true at number 47, not the …

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