The Week Junior Show

Closing schools and stories of hope

We’re recording this episode of The Week Junior Show from across the UK because, just like you, the place we go to work every day is closed. 
Today, the Week Junior team chat about stories of home, reusable toilet paper and some very special awar…

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Shakespeare and two types of panda

The Week Junior team talk about the secret of a good night’s sleep, a red panda breakthrough and the secrets of the Sun.
Plus, they have a debate all about Shakespeare.
What are your thoughts?
Get in touch with the team and we might use your m…

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Coronavirus and relaxed theatre shows

The Week Junior team chat new technology that uses stinky fruits, the benefits of connecting with nature, and we learn the facts about the Covid-19 coronavirus outbreak. Plus, the team debate whether theatres should be putting on more relaxed performan…

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BONUS: The Space Programme

Subscribe to The Space Programme by searching for it wherever you’re listening to this or by tapping here:
The Space Programme is a brand new radio drama from the UK’s children’s radio station, Fun Kids. Listen to it wherever…

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World Book Day and human rights for animals

This week, the Week Junior Team are talking about World Book Day, jellyfish mucus, and an inspirational scientist. Plus, they’re asking whether apes should have human rights. 
PLUS: Have you ever wanted to interview a poet, writer and former chil…

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Deadly dinosaurs and smart running shoes

Felicity, Vanessa and Ciaran talk about a deadly new dinosaur, an unlikely friendship and some brave campaigners. Plus, they debate technology in sport.
Tell us what you think about anything in the podcast and you could be featured in it! Send an audi…

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The Oscars and defacing books

Bex is joined by Editor of The Week Junior, Felicity and writers Michael and Ciaran.
This week they’re talking about clapping seals, the internet, and the film industry’s biggest award ceremony. Plus, they debate books: drawing in them, breaking…

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Bees on Notre Dame and the insides of a great white shark

Managing editor Vanessa, writer Michael and editor of The Week Junior’s monthly Science and Nature magazine, Dan talk about some out-of-this-world photos, bees on the roof of a famous Paris cathedral, and great white sharks.
They also debate whe…

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Isolation in schools and Spotify for dogs

This week the Week Junior team are talking about brave swimmers, mental health, and mooing cows. Plus, they debate the topic of isolation booths in schools. Let us know your thoughts…
Get in touch with the team –
Website: https://theweek…

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Trees and Scottish Independence

From ancient trees to a tortoise hero and three record-breaking brothers, the Week Junior Team recap the latest news. We also chat about whether Scotland should have another independence vote.
Get in touch with the team –
Website: https://…

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