
The Most Deadly Shark and How Did the Dinosaurs Die?

How did the meteor wipe out the dinosaurs? Why do our phones vibrate? Design tips from Hannah Goldsmith Queen Elizabeth Prize of Engineering Trophy Competition Prizewinner, and what is the most deadliest shark to humans?Join Fun Kids Podcasts+: https:/…

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The Most Deadly Shark and How Did the Dinosaurs Die?

How did the meteor wipe out the dinosaurs? Why do our phones vibrate? Design tips from Hannah Goldsmith Queen Elizabeth Prize of Engineering Trophy Competition Prizewinner, and what is the most deadliest shark to humans?See for …

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Large dino discovery and what’s happening in Myanmar

Ciaran, Michael, Vanessa and Bex talk about what could be the largest dinosaur ever found, a dramatic week in the Asian nation of Myanmar, and some very good dogs. Plus, we’ll be having a debate about travel…
Tell us what you think of the podc…

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The Field of Cloth of Gold (The Secrets of Hampton Court Palace)

Join Zac as he explores the famous home of King Henry VIII, Hampton Court Palace. In this episode, Zac is going back in time and finding out all about the meeting that inspired the famous painting, The Field of Cloth of Gold.Join Fun Kids Podcasts+: ht…

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Become a pirate and listen to Fun Kids Silly this weekend

We’re sharing five things for you to do each week day in season three of Activity Quest. 
Complete as many as you can and then tell us at by 1pm each day!
Complete as many as you can and then tell us at…

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The Wishing Coin

Wouldn’t it be amazing if you could just wish for anything you wanted and it would come true! Well in this story we find out what happens when a boy get’s just that power, and it’s not as fun as he thought it would be?Join Fun Kids Podcasts+: https://f…

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The Wishing Coin

Wouldn’t it be amazing if you could just wish for anything you wanted and it would come true!
Well in this story we find out what happens when a boy get’s just that power, and it’s not as fun as he thought it would be?See for p…

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The Tudor Children (The Secrets of Hampton Court Palace)

Join Zac as he explores the famous home of King Henry VIII, Hampton Court Palace. In this episode, Zac is going back in time to learn all about King Henry VIII’s children.Join Fun Kids Podcasts+: …

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