Houdini’s birthday and learning a language

Stuck at Home is the new daily podcast from the UK's children's radio station, Fun Kids. 

In this episode, we’re giving you a few things you can do to keep busy.

Why not try giving your hand a go at:

  • Grabbing and instrument and singing along
  • Trying out some new dance moves in your living room or bedroom 
  • Learning a new language with apps like Duolingo or Fun Kids Learn Polish
  • Writing a postcard to some friends and sending it to them if, like us, you're also stuck at home and off school 
  • Sending a selfie to your friends each day to let them know you're thinking of them 
  • Chatting to your mates over the internet via apps like Skype and FaceTime 

Here are some questions to test your knowledge of Deep Space High: 

  • What acts like a shield to protect Earth from solar winds?
    a) Its magnetic field, b) Radiation, c) The ice caps
  • Which planet is closest to the Sun?
    a) Mercury, b) Mars, c)Neptune
  • Which planets does the Professor describe as ‘gas giants’?
    a) Saturn and Neptune, b) Jupiter and Saturn, c) Mars and Jupiter

We also want to hear from you! Send us a message at FunKidsLive.com/stuck and remember that Fun Kids is a radio station for people just like you – there's fun and games around the clock and there's never been a better time to stick it on. 

Listen to Fun Kids on DAB Digital radio, on the free Fun Kids mobile app, online at FunKidsLive.com or ask your smart speaker to 'play Fun Kids'.