Fun Kids

Zeppelins and Air Raids in 1916 (Edward’s Diary)

Edward watches the Zeppelins bomb South London from the attic window, and talks about how it felt to have the war so close to home.

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Destination Mars – Designing A Mars Rover – Inorganic Materials

The class think about the challenge of making sure nothing organic from earth goes along for the ride on the ExoMars Rover. They would be nothing worse than accidently finding some old flu cells on Mars!

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How Children Helped With The War Effort In 1916 (Edward’s Diary)

Children were certainly kept busy in 1916.  Many would be caring for smaller children or had jobs.  Even those still at school would help with the war effort, perhaps through the Scouts and Guides.

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Destination Mars – Designing A Mars Rover – Dust

Dust is a fact of life on Mars – and it gets everywhere!  The class think about the challenges that dust presents the designers of the ExoMars Rover. 

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The LEGO Batman Movie’s Chris McKay & My Knight and Me creator Joeri Christiaen

We chat to the producer and director of Lego Batman plus the creator of My Knight and Me! Plus we have an episode from our podcast of the week Techno Mum, The News to Amuse and an episode from Edward’s diary!

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Destination Mars – Homework! A History of Robots In Space

Sam has homework for his class on Mars – to find out about more robots used in space exploration. He finds that there have been quite a few!

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Lego Batman

Bex interviews Dan Lin and Chris McKay, the Producer and Director of The Lego Batman Movie, where they talk about their favourite Batman weapon and personal lego collection.

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Ambulance Trains in 1916 (Edward’s Diary)

Edward experiences the wounded returning from the Front Line, coming back on ambulance trains.  He talks to Sid about seeing injured tommies in the city.

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Destination Mars – Designing A Mars Rover – Temperature

The class think about the extremes of temperature on Mars and look at some of the design features that an ExoMars Rover will have to help cope.

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Destination Mars – Designing A Mars Rover – Introduction

The class start to think about how you go about designing an ExoMars Rover.  It’ll need to be able to withstand the conditions on Mars – and Mars can be a tough place…

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