Fun Kids

Careers in Radiology – Who’s Who?

There are loads of different roles and people who work in a real Radiology Department from clinical radiologists to medical physicists! In this episode Hallux and Nanobot check out some of the people you might find and discover the different jobs they do.

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How X-Rays Work!

Hallux and Nanobot talk about how X-Rays work, what they do, and why they are super safe and important!

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History Of Looking Inside The Human Body!

Listen to Professor Hallux and hear about all the cool tools and ways that people can see into our bodies! 

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Appendicitis Explained

Listen to hear more about Josh’s case of Appendicities! There’s chainsaws, vomitting and other gory bits in this one!

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Steve Backshall on Fun Kids!

Legendary explorer Steve Backshall is going to be on the breakfast show tomorrow! He’s chatting to Sean about his latest book Wilds of the Wolf – The Flacon Chronicles 3. We’ll be finding out whether he has a writing shed and…

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Forensic Pathology

Get your detective glasses out – it’s all about Forensic Pathology specifically finding clues through dead bodies and autopsies!  

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Cartoon Network’s George Gendi on Fun Kids!

Sean went to a screening of some brand new Cartoon Network animations. He catches up with the creator of Apple and Onion, George Gendi! George is a creator from the Cartoon Network Imagination Studio and tells Sean how he got involved and giv…

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Types of Pathology

Listen to find out more about the different types of Pathology including Forensic and Genetic Pathology!

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