Fun Kids Science Weekly

A New Dinosaur Discovery, Insect With Deadly Sting & Bugs Bigger Than You!

Join Dan for another dangerous dose of Science Weekly! The dinosaur discovery that could change everything  we know about the species, the insect with the deadliest of deadly stings, plus you are statistically more likely to recognise Pok&eac…

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Crocdolphins, Gravity & Fish With Dagger-Sharp Jaws

Dan introduces you to the “crocdolphin”, a fish with a jaw as sharp as a knife, and the secret to gravity …

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The Most Dangerous Airport & Are Asteroids The Answer To Life In Space?

In this week’s Science Weekly Show, Dan speaks to Terik Daly, a planetary geologist, about asteroids being the key to water on Earth (also on his theories of other life forms…) Dan discusses an airport that only 8 pilots dare to land on, plus ex…

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Rats Can Replay Past Events In Their Heads & How Plastic Bottles Are Made

Dan discovers how plastic bottles are made and how rats, just like humans, can replay past events in their heads. Plus, who can travel further? Humans or animals?

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Dwarf Mongooses and Astronaut Training

Dan discovers how footballs are made, that Dwarf Mongooses have learnt new tricks when it comes to rewarding their friends and takes part in astronaut training. Plus, who has the edge when it comes to eyesight: a hawk or an Olympic archer?

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Slime, Alien Octopuses and a very deadly Centipede

On this week’s episode of The Fun Kids Science Weekly, Peter Godfrey Smith chats about the creature he says is the closest we’ll ever come to meeting an intelligent alien…an octopus!
We also find out about a creature with 100 different ways of …

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A deadly rattlesnake and Smart Homes

On this week’s episode of The Fun Kids Science Weekly we chat to Rosamond Evans from Smart Home Week all about the benefits of living with smart technology.
We also find out about a deadly rattle snake, how pyrex cookware is made, and who is faster ma…

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The wonders of WiFi and how things are made

On this week’s episode of The Fun Kids Science Weekly we finish our chat all about Britain’s bees from last week’s show – we couldn’t end on a sad note!
We also find out how alluminium cans are made, how humans and animals make the most of teamwork an…

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Bees, Gases and Possibilities!

Rory Diamond is the scientific advisor to the Great British Bee Count and self-proclaimed Bee Geek is in the Fun Kids studio this week chatting about why bees are so important, why bees are dying and what makes bees differ from wasps!
Plus Dangerous D…

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A deadly buffalo, a big greenhouse and does our gut manipulate our mind?

Katerina Johnson is from the University of Oxford and she’s looking into how our gut can affect our minds! How is that possible? We find out. 
Plus Dangerous Dan is discovering a deadly African buffalo, we’re finding out where we can find th…

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