
Tracking down treasure (Professor Phlegm and the Lost Treasure Hunt)

Ep 9: Devin and The Centaur have decided to join forces – using the Centaur’s piece of the Scroll to track down one of the treasures – a mystical horn. But on Devin’s travels to London, it turns out everything is not as it appears…

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Another piece of the Scroll (Professor Phlegm and the Lost Treasure Hunt)

Ep 8: A tall, frightening, man, has a revelation for Devin: He has another piece of the Scroll. A section missing from Devin’s! This man is another Keeper of the Scroll and demands to see the thief who stole the rest – Professor Penny Phlegm!

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Penny’s twinkling coin (Professor Phlegm and the Lost Treasure Hunt)

Ep 7: Out of her pocket Penny produces the twinkling coin, immediately grabbing the Pirate Captain‟s attention. This is no ordinary coin. The coin holds the worth of all the money in the world. But the Captain surprises her with his own revelation. Abo…

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On the high seas (Professor Phlegm and the Lost Treasure Hunt)

Ep 6: Devin and Penny set sail on the high seas on The SS. Centaur, a luxurious modern cruise liner. The Professor knows that an old Pirate Ghost Ship will soon rise from the depths of the Oceans… but she’s not sure when, exactly. So in the mean time…

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Flu (Professor Phlegm and the Lost Treasure Hunt)

Ep 5: Penny Phlegm has… well… PHLEGM! She’s got the flu. There’s nothing to do but work around the shop and Devin is bored! But if they won’t go to the adventure… The adventure is coming to them!
Created by Mog McIntyre.See…

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Horseman and his head (Professor Phlegm and the Lost Treasure Hunt)

Ep 4: Penny suddenly remembers one piece of advice very clearly: “Never reunite the horseman and his head.” Oops… too late!
Created by Mog McIntyre.See for privacy information.

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Something spooky (Professor Phlegm and the Lost Treasure Hunt)

Ep 3: Something eerie and very spooky seems to be afoot. In the dark depths of the Wild West men are complaining of hauntings. They claim it is a ghastly figure… who appears to be missing something.
Created by Mog McIntyre.See…

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Losing memories (Professor Phlegm and the Lost Treasure Hunt)

Everybody in Clenchwart is losing their memory! Forgetting everything like to go to work, where they live and even forgetting who they are! Could this have something to do with the Scroll in Penny’s shop?
Created by Mog McIntyre.See…

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NEW STORY: Professor Phlegm and the Lost Treasure Hunt

Devin has just moved to the small town Clenchwart, in the middle of the summer holidays, and he is bored out of his wits. He attempts to find a summer job, if only to give him something to do! Upon his search, he is entranced by the strange sounds of w…

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Sammy Tzatziki’s Storm Cloud (Bryony Brownwell’s Mystery Project)

Episode 10: Sammy’s fed up of being the only one without a superpower. And on a school trip to the Freedom Fortress, he decides he’s had quite enough of the others going on about all their magic skills, thank you very much! But when he stom…

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