
Destination Mars – Why Do We Want To Go To Mars

Pulsar explains why Mars is so interesting to earthlings – it may be able to sustain life – in fact life may already be on the planet. He tells them all about a new mission that hopes to find out more.

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Homes and Schools become Military Hospitals in 1916 (Edward’s Diary)

Edward talks with Mother about how many homes and schools have become military hospitals – even his rich grandmother has agreed to take in the wounded.

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Destination Mars – Welcome to Mars

Principle Pulsar is kicking off a new school project to the class of Deep Space High – all about Mars, a planet in the Solar System that’s got earthlings very excited…

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Recruitment and Conscription in World War 1 (Edward’s Diary)

How was society changing in 1916? (Edward’s Diary)

Edward and Sid talk about how things have changed – anything with a German name is treated with suspicion, there are many new laws and women increasingly are filling the roles left by the men.

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An Update On The War in 1916 (Edward’s Diary)

London 1916 and the war shows no sign of ending – the Battle of The Somme has shocked the nation, Londoners are experiencing changes and Edward’s father may be in the thick of it…

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Weighing Up The Risks

There are many risks associated with new medicines and it isn’t always possible to get rid of all the risks. Professor Hallux and Nurse Nanobot find how scientists weigh up what’s acceptable.

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Testing Medicines

Before a new medicine is released to the public, it has to go though many the checks to make sure it’s safe and it works. Professor Hallux and Nurse Nanobot explore what’s involved.

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Ingredients and Form

There’s lots of ingredients in every medicine. Professor Hallux and Nurse Nanobot find out what goes into medicines and the best way for drugs to be taken.  From pills to potions, injections to inhalers there are lots of decisions to be made.

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Who Makes Medicines and Why?

New medicines are being created all the time Professor Hallux and Nurse Nanobot find out that it can be a long process and cost a lot of money but that’s because safety is important.

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