
Ranulf Flambard: Imprisoned in his own Tower

One of the people that was really important to the Tower of London was Ranulf Flambard, a Bishop from Normandy who was a trusted advisor to William 1 and King William Rufus. He lived from 1060 to 1128.
He helped create the Doomsday book and took …

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Anne Boleyn and how a Queen became a prisoner

One of the most famous prisoners of the Tower of London was Anne Boleyn – a Queen!
Henry VIII married Anne Boleyn, his second wife, in January 1533. In advance of Anne’s coronation, they stayed at the Tower of London where the royal apartm…

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Anne Boleyn and how a Queen became a prisoner

One of the most famous prisoners of the Tower of London was Anne Boleyn – a Queen! Henry VIII married Anne Boleyn, his second wife, in January 1533. In advance of Anne’s coronation, they stayed at the Tower of London where the royal apartme…

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Rudolf Hess and the Tower of London in World War II

Rudolf Hess was the “Deputy Fuhrer”, second in command to Hitler. He claimed to live a simple life, although he was plagued with health problems – some of which never really existed; it’s thought he had health anxiety. There are…

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Rudolf Hess and the Tower of London in World War II

Rudolf Hess was the “Deputy Fuhrer”, second in command to Hitler.
He claimed to live a simple life, although he was plagued with health problems – some of which never really existed; it’s thought he had health anxiety.
There a…

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The Lion King, Yes No and Connected Homes!

This week, Hollywood royalty stop by the Download, talking to Bex all about the brand new Lion King movie, Techno Mum is back with more connected world and another brave listener takes on Dan in the Yes No Game! 

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Matt Haig and Cressida Cowell

Bex is back and is telling us about her favourite books and authors ever! 
In this episode, we hear from the new Children’s Laureate Cressida Cowell.
Cressida’s the author of How to Train Your Dragon and the Wizards of Once series. T…

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Science Weekly Space Bumper Special!

This week, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of man walking on the moon, it’s a space special on the Science Weekly! Sarah Cruddas, author of ‘The Space Race’ joins Dan to chat all about the mission to get people on the moon, Dan and the question ‘what…

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Science Weekly Space Bumper Special!

This week, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of man walking on the moon, it’s a space special on the Science Weekly! Sarah Cruddas, author of ‘The Space Race’ joins Dan to chat all about the mission to get people on the moon, Dan and the question ‘what…

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