Geoguessr and Geocaching
Dan and Bex chat about things you can do to pass the time, both of which involve exploring the world – one from the outside and one from the inside!
Activity Quest tells you think that kids and adults can do!
Activity Quest is the weekly kids entertainment show from the UK’s children’s radio station Fun Kids. Join our presenters from across the UK as they give you interesting and fun things to keep you busy out-and-about and at home.
Dan and Bex chat about things you can do to pass the time, both of which involve exploring the world – one from the outside and one from the inside!
The Little Angel Theatre team chat to us about puppeteering and playhouses from home as Dan and Bex give us more things to do, try, and listen to!
Remember to get in touch with the podcast at and, if you’re homeschooling at the m…
Bex and Conor chat about how to make pizza at home and discuss different types of cheese…
Ben from The Week Junior chats to Bex about a newly designed Italian football shirt as Bex and Dan give you things to do!
It’s World Migratory Bird Day! Stevie tells us about it as Dan and Bex chat board games and butterfly homes.
Bex and Dan chat to Michael from The Week Junior about a special type of canoe and give you loads you can do!
Bex and Dan chat to Ben from The Week Junior all about the rise in book reading and we find out about some prehistoric plants!
Bex and Sean take a visit to the Jurassic period and Michael from The Week Junior chats about the Museum of London.
Sean unknowingly takes a suggestion from a previous episode and throws his own Christmas in quarantine!