Activity Quest

Hosted ByBex & Conor

Activity Quest tells you think that kids and adults can do!

Activity Quest is the weekly kids entertainment show from the UK’s children’s radio station Fun Kids. Join our presenters from across the UK as they give you interesting and fun things to keep you busy out-and-about and at home.

All Episodes

National Portrait Gallery

Adam visits the National Portrait Gallery in London, where he explores the gallery’s diverse collection of portraits, ranging from paintings to sculptures! The gallery’s focus is on telling the story of Britain through portraits, bringing history to li…

National Portrait Gallery

Adam visits the National Portrait Gallery in London, where he explores the gallery’s diverse collection of portraits, ranging from paintings to sculptures! The gallery’s focus is on telling the story of Britain through portraits, bringing history to li…


Toy store Hamleys are holding fun fuelled activities throughout the holidays! From making your very own medals and trophies to competing in gaming jumbo jamboree fun, the entertainment is never-ending!Join Fun Kids Podcasts+:…


Toy store Hamleys are holding fun fuelled activities throughout the holidays! From making your very own medals and trophies to competing in gaming jumbo jamboree fun, the entertainment is never-ending!Join Fun Kids Podcasts+:…

LUSH Oxford Street

Bex follows the bath bomb she made in Poole to one of Lush’s biggest stores: Lush Oxford Street!  There, she has a go at one of their parties and finds out more about some of their best selling products. Join Fun Kids Podcasts+:…

LUSH Oxford Street

Bex follows the bath bomb she made in Poole to one of Lush’s biggest stores: Lush Oxford Street!  There, she has a go at one of their parties and finds out more about some of their best selling products. Join Fun Kids Podcasts+:…

Visiting LUSH in Poole

Lush makes millions of bath bombs every single year. In this week’s episode of Activity Quest, we’re off to Poole to see their factory where every single one of them is made.Join Fun Kids Podcasts+:…

Visiting LUSH in Poole

Lush makes millions of bath bombs every single year. In this week’s episode of Activity Quest, we’re off to Poole to see their factory where every single one of them is made.Join Fun Kids Podcasts+:…

Sealing Fun Kids Time Machine at We The Curious, Bristol

We visit We The Curious in Bristol, where the Fun Kids Time Machine is sealed. Author Sam Sedgman and the design team behind the time capsule discuss the unique aspects of it, which includes using decommissioned scuba tanks and sophisticated locking me…