Fun Kids Meets

Hosted ByFun Kids Team

Listen to the podcast with all the best interviews - pop stars, gamers, authors and more...

All Episodes

Peter Capaldi chats Coram Voices competition

Coram is a charity that helps kids in care and every year they throw a big writing competition called Coram Voices. Sean’s chatting with Peter Capaldi, actor and judge of the competition this year, to find out more.See for priva…

Louisa Olafuyi chats to Bex about African voices in books!

Louisa Olafuyi chatting to Bex all about Kunda Kids’ latest collection ​dedicated to educating children about African history and culture. Kunda Kids is all about representing different voices in books. Kunda Kids is based in London and create bo…

Glow in the dark animals with Tom Iwanicki

Tom Iwanicki from Hawaii answers why some animals are bioluminescent and what that means with Dan Simpson.See for privacy information.

Dan chats to a robot, DALLE, from OpenAI

Ashley from OpenAI talks about DALLE who draws pictures from text. This is an interview from the Fun Kids Science Weekly, another podcast from Fun Kids. See for privacy information.

Sally Gardner talks Tindims of Rubbish Island

Multi-award winning author Sally Gardner chats to Bex!
She’s talking about her new book series called The Tindims of Rubbish Island.
The tiny Tindims are like the Borrowers-on-Sea, who turn our everyday rubbish into treasure.
Discover Rubbish …

Nathan Evans, Tik Tok sea shanty sensation

See for privacy information.See for privacy information.

Maria Lahtinen chats to Dan about Dog Domestication in the Ice Age!

Maria Lahtinen joins Dan in this weeks Science Weekly to talk all about Dog Domestication in the Ice Age! See for privacy information.See for privacy information.

Sam Copeland Author of Uma and the Answer to Absolutely Everything Talks to Bex!

Sam Copeland chats all about his new book, Uma and the Answer to Absolutely Everything with Bex!See for privacy information.See for privacy information.

Chris Woodford, Internet Expert, Chats to Dan!

Dan chats all about the internet with author Chris Woodford! See for privacy information.See for privacy information.