Fun Kids Meets

Hosted ByFun Kids Team

Listen to the podcast with all the best interviews - pop stars, gamers, authors and more...

All Episodes

Dermot O’Leary Chats To Bex About His Brand New Book!

Dermot chatted to Bex about the brand new book in the ‘Toto The Ninja Cat’ series: ‘the Superstar Catastrophe’.

Michael Rosen Chats To Conor About ‘The Lollies’!

‘The Lollies’ are a competition for the funniest children’s books! Conor chats to Michael Rosen, author and judge, all about them!

Stephen Saved A Life With First Aid!

You might find that First Aid lessons will be coming to your school very very soon! Bex chatted to eight-year-old Stephen who saved someone’s life by using the First Aid he learnt at school.

Denis Coleman Chats To Conor!

Denis Coleman was Conor’s Next Big Thing a few weeks ago, with his track ‘Imperfect’. Conor gave him a call to catch up with him – he’s certainly been busy!

JB Gill, Of JLS, Tells Dan About Bring The Noise!

Bring The Noise is a brand new campaign all about encouraging you to enjoy music at school! Dan chats to JB Gill, an ambassador for the campaign, all about it!

Kate Wiseman Releases A New Book In The ‘Gangster School’ Series!

‘Gangster School: Gruffles and the Killer Sheep’ is the brand new book from Kate Wiseman! Bex had a chat with her to hear all about it, and to find out about ‘Crimicon’!

Chelcee Grimes In The Studio!

Chelcee, professional footballer AND songwriter, chatted to Conor about being the new ambassador for Barclays football!

Sam Copeland Has A Brand New Book Out!

You’ll probably know Sam from his last visit in February to tell Bex all about ‘Charlie Changes Into A Chicken’. He’s back! This time to tell us about his brand new book ‘Charlie Turns Into A T-Rex’!

Kellimarie Chats To Sean!

Kellimarie was Conor’s Next Big Thing a few weeks ago – that means her song ‘Look At Me’ was played every night in a week! Sean gave her a call to find out what she’d been up to since!