Fun Kids Meets

Hosted ByFun Kids Team

Listen to the podcast with all the best interviews - pop stars, gamers, authors and more...

All Episodes

P.G. Bell

P.G Bell joins Bex in the studio to chat all about his book ‘The Train To Impossible Places’!
We find out all about Suzy and the adventure that ensues once The Impossible Postal Express crashes into her hallway! Plus, he takes Bex’s quickfire quiz!

Into Film Award Winner, Ruby!

Young filmmakers across the UK have been recognised by the 2019 Into Film Awards! These are just for 5 – 19 year olds who have demonstrated amazing acheivements in filmmaking and film reviewing! Anna Louise chatted to one of the award winners, Ruby, ab…

Time Travelling at Waltham Forest!

Bex chatted to Abigail Conway who has designed a brand new, immersive experience that’s running over the Easter holidays in Waltham Forest! You will be clocking in as a factory workers and be on a shift, as if it was real life!

Cathy Cassidy, Author of ‘Sami’s Silver Lining’, Speaks To Bex!

‘Sami’s Silver Lining’ is a brand new book out which follows the story of Sami – the refugee trying to make a new life in a new place. Bex gave the author, Cathy Cassidy, a call to hear all about it!

Star of ‘Dumbo’, Colin Farrell, Chats To Bex!