
The Girl Who Cried…PRANK!

Have you ever heard the story about The Boy Who Cried Wolf? It’s one of those stories with a hidden message in it – you know, the sort of message that is designed to try to get you to behave…
Well, Zia is the girl who cried…PRANK! She pranke…

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The Whistling Caretaker

Stephen’s family has just moved to a new country and he is finding it hard to make friends at his new school, when he finds a friend in the janitor. 
He tells amazing stories when they sit together on breaktimes in the storeroom, but is he all th…

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NEW PODCAST: Truthdiggers

Hey, thanks for subscribing to Story Quest! 
This week’s episode is slightly different. We’re sharing Truthdiggers with you. It’s a brand new podcast from Fun Kids where you decide what happens next! 
In it, scho…

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The Peace Chalice

The Peace Chalice was a metal cup, shaped like a large wine glass and it was very rusty. It wasn’t the sort of thing you’d expect a King to drink out of.
But the legend said that when the most delicious drink in the world was poured in to …

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Glenda The Back To Front Goblin

Goblins are hard wired to mess things up and to cause mayhem!
It’s almost their job, and certainly their hobby.
Well, most Goblins that is…See for privacy information.

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The Smuggler Knight

The twin realms of Melina and Malbaria were both ruled over by the evil King, His Most High Overlord King Zadicus Dread (who really was as evil as he sounds).
The King lived in Malbaria, and the people of Malbaria did not care about the people of Meli…

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The Trainee Genie

Razz ‘The Simple’ is a trainee genie…although he’s not too keen on the ‘simple’ part.
But Razz discovers that it may well possible for people to have more than THREE wishes?!
 See for privacy information.

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The Underground Mice

Have you ever used the London Underground?
If you have, I wonder if you’ve ever looked at the tracks before the trains come in. If you’re lucky you might have seen something that’s incredibly important to the smooth running of the un…

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The Triumph of Nibbles No-Tail

Nibbles was a squirrel. He wasn’t the same as most squirrels. This wasn’t because he had special powers, or that he had famously cured a disease, or invented time travel. It was for another reason.  
Nibbles didn’t have a tail.

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Aliens in the Amazon

Rainforests are fascinating places.  You have probably studied them at school and found out lots of interesting things about them. They are home to literally MILLIONS of species of insects, plants and animals – with many yet to be discovered…

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