
The Late Lapizian

So what IS a Lapizian you might ask?  They’re rather like we are, just shorter. 
And they look a bit well – doggy? 
In the same way that if you trace our genes back you find monkeys, the Lapizians had descended from a creat…

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The Midnight Ponies

What would you do if you saw a magical pony in the middle of the night? Well…you’d better hope an elf is around to help you out…See for privacy information.

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Mr. Lamb the Lollipop Man

Mr. Lamb the Lollipop Man was an unusual figure…
He might just have an out-of-this world secret!See for privacy information.

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The Cupboard Goblin

Have you ever wondered where all your lost socks go? Getting ready for school when suddenly you can only find one of your favourite pair? Well there might just be an explanation…See for privacy information.

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The Gravity Chair

In the corner of Gus Gravity’s shop sits an old funny-looking chair. It’s not for sale, but nobody knows why…listen to find out, and let your imagination take you anywhere!See for privacy information.

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BEHOLD EXCSCALLYWAG! The (second) greatest sword the world has ever seen – and definitely the most annoying…See for privacy information.

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The Playground Dog

When you’re next on break at school look at for the Playground Gods, they may even let you play with The Playground Dog!See for privacy information.

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The Land of Magical Mishaps

Have you ever wondered where all those balls and ards and magical things that magicians disappear end up?
Well, if they do the trick wrong there’s a good chance they’ll end up in the Land of Magical Mishaps!See for privacy info…

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The Attic Under the Floor

This week’s story is all about a girl who stumbles across a secret attic that she visits every night when she goes to bed.See for privacy information.

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The Leopard in the Lighthouse

In a time where the world is overcrowded and everyone is desperate for some peace and quiet, there is a man with an island that is nothing but peace and quiet.
But how did the Leopard end up in the lighthouse? 
You’ll have to listen to find out….

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