
Real Life Devil-Snare and How Our Brains Work with Betina Ip!

Neuroscientist Betina Ip tells us how the brain works, we learn why our teeth are so strong and why we can’t see air! This week we learn about a dangerous plant that was the inspiration for Devil-Snare in the Wizarding World and some of the latest scie…

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Monkey friendships and Roman colosseums

This week we’ll be talking about Mental Health Awareness Week, what the Italian government has planned for the ancient colosseum in Rome and how some monkeys have formed an unlikely friendship. Plus, we’ll have a debate all about whether pl…

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The Secret of The Blue Lagoon

Have you ever heard of a water sprite? Do you believe in magical creatures or do you think they’re just made up? That’s what Dante thought… until he visited The Blue Lagoon.See for privacy information.

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Tree Detective

The Knights of the Ecoquest meet a strange detective in a land where all the trees have been chopped down. Can he help them find the lost Fountain of Frank?…
Written by Martin Kiszko, Produced and Directed by Andy Cartwright, Sound Design b…

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David Tennant, Patience Agbabi and Luke & Sean from the Breakfast Show

Sean from the Breakfast Show is joined not by Robot but by his co-author Luke to chat about their new book Jamie McFlair and the Boyband Generator, as well as a reading of Terry Pratchetts The Carpet People which tells the story of a whole world living…

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David Tennant, Patience Agbabi and Luke & Sean from the Breakfast Show

Sean from the Breakfast Show is joined not by Robot but by his co-author Luke to chat about their new book Jamie McFlair and the Boyband Generator, as well as a reading of Terry Pratchetts The Carpet People which tells the story of a whole world living…

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Maddie Moate and Greg Foot

Dan speaks to Maddie Moate and Greg Foot about adventurous science!See for privacy information.

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Perrygrove railway, Simon Farnaby and making wands

In this episode of Activity Quest, Adam visits a heritage railway in the Forest of Dean, Dan’s talking magic and making things in Craft Corner and Sean’s giving you a load of stuff you can do no matter where you are in the country.

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Why is the Platypus so Dangerous and Eco-Friendly-Football with Dale Vince

Why don’t birds get electrocuted on wires? How do fish see so deep in the ocean? Photographing the Mars Rover with a helicopter and learning how to make football carbon free, all on this Science Weekly Podcast!See for privacy in…

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Why is the Platypus so Dangerous and Eco-Friendly-Football with Dale Vince

Why don’t birds get electrocuted on wires? How do fish see so deep in the ocean? Photographing the Mars Rover with a helicopter and learning how to make football carbon free, all on this Science Weekly Podcast!Join Fun Kids Podcasts+: https://funkidsli…

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