
Find out how to advertise across the Fun Kids Podcast Network

Podcast Growth

Podcasts are the fastest growing audio type in the UK with 16% of the country (9m people) now tuning in each week. For the younger demographics this percentage is even higher, with 26% of 15 to 24s, 22% of 25s to 34s and 18% of 35 to 44s.

The amount of time that people are spending listening to podcasts is also growing fast. Podcast fans currently listen to 63.3m hours of podcasts every week.

Source: RAJAR MIDAS Summer 2019

Kids and Podcasts

Podcasts are also becoming a big part of children's media consumption. 36% of 9 to 14s have ever listened to a podcast, and 19% listen to one each week. 80% of kids are listening to podcasts at home and 23% are listening on the move in the family car - in fact when asked where do you mostly listen - 77% say at home . They also listen a bit differently to Mum and Dad, where 68% listen on the smartphone. For kids it's 46% tuning in on a phone, but 20% listen on a tablet, 20% on the computer and 7% through a games console - showing that they're truly multi-platform!

Source: RAJAR Jamjar Survey Wave 3

Selected Fun Kids Podcast Network Shows

Explore some of our brilliant podcasts.

Advertising Opportunities

The FKPN only runs directly sold advertising that has been vetted by us across our podcasts. We deliver spot advertising, sponsorship and live reads dynamically allowing clients to choose territories, durations and access our full inventory and not just new episodes.

Spot Advertising

We can create specific 30-second spot advertising for insertion into podcasts, or can use existing creative if it’s appropriate for our audiences.


Sponsorship can include a mix of bumper credits, spot advertising and well sign-posted branded content.

Live Reads

Live Reads are presenter-read advertising. We work with you and the podcast to create brand messaging that fits both.


We’ll create a competition that runs across the network, or on specific podcasts with an entry mechanic at


The Fun Kids Podcast Network delivers over 1million downloads each month. We can run campaigns on all of our podcasts, on specific verticals like stories or learning, or you can target a specific podcast.

Get in touch

Find out more by giving Sam a buzz on 020 7739 7880 or emailing